

Panic mode: I am very, very busy - AGAIN!

Yesterday I got a text message from Ms. Arbonida that I'M the one in charge of the English Program [WAHHHH!!!!!!!!] and the designer of all the venues: Audi, AVR, Science Center!

I am never going to rest, am I?

And it's going to be inspired by the Victorian era. I don't think I hate that part. I just researched on some Victorian architecture and they were really nice. There were psychedelic works! Hahaha! But anyways, I'm really scared since I'm really a bad craftworker. I can only do it in paper.

And PTs are up! How can I do both?

And one more concern : EVERYBODY is going to see it. The WHOLE HS student body. Well, except 3E!!! UGH!!!! Tas our logo will be the backdrop! AND I'M NOT THERE TO WITNESS IT!!!!!!!!


How could things get any worse?

I don't even have time to cope with life's fast pace! Sort of a good thing. I hate how my life is going through. I am always tired every day, like I go to school but my energy level is already negative. Hay. Thank goodness there's no school today - no point. I still have to do the design proposals by today. There's Comp PT, And Music PT! Panic panic! And Chem! And everything else!

Fun is over. Really over. Shop til you drop period is over [last Wednesday. SUPER spree.]

Aww :(

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