
"He was gone."

Caution: I might spoil about New Moon, so if you haven't read Twilight don't view this entry too much!


I finished reading Twilight last...Monday? yep! And the next day, Tuesday, I was "hunting" for a copy of New Moon! Not really, though. Steffi didn't have her book; it was on rent. I was so "thirsty" for the second book, because the preview of New Moon left me hanging for interrogations. So we went to Promenade, GH. Oh wow a dose of Haagen-Dazs Chocolate Fondue was wonderful :)) Oh yeah :> We walked around & around...no New Moon in National Bookstore.

Fully Booked was my only hope.

And when Steffi asked, they say no more available. OMG I was so devastated.

Until...the saleslady said there was one LAST copy of New Moon which was coincidincally HARD BOUND.

THANK GOODNESS!! Actually someone reserved it but she was generous enough to sell it to me. Just what my friend Denise said, You snooze, you lose!

I had to get my 1000 peso bill out of my wallet with guilt because that was my own money! But I really decided I'd spend my savings for such an amazing book that blew me away totally. Although after we bought it I was so happy I kept hugging the book XD I even wrapped it myself! It cost me P649. Whew! 1 book bough, Two more to go! I mean, Three!

I asked my cousin to purchase Twilight for me in US. I think it costs $19.99 or somthing. HARD BOUND.

Hopefully after my recital when we go to Greenbelt tomorrow [wearing fancy formal outfits] I'll go to a bookstore and *hopefully* purchase Eclipse, still HARD BOUND.

4th book not yet on sale here I think: Breaking Dawn. The final installment of this vampire love insanity book ^^


I started reading New Moon last Wednesday, on an effort to have myself be not spoiled by Steff 'cause she already read 3, and last Thursday as well. I finished just hours ago. Wow it was so bitin I badly wanted to read Eclipse!

At the first part there was this line that said : He was gone.
OMG when I read that it's as if I was imagining myself in the story. Grabe I felt so bad.
Edward left :O So the middle part was quite unentertaining, with Jacob spending time with Bella, I don't really like Jacob :l I like Edward!!! <3 for Bella!

They're like the new Romeo & Juliet. Grabe it was twist & turn. Awesome.


Going back to reality, I'm SO HAPPY because my INSOMNIA is almost gone!

here's the scoop: After reading Twilight I was practically struck with it I couldn't sleep haha! When I woke in the middle of the night the first thought that came to mind was TWILIGHT! X))
Malamang I read 300 straight pages in one day :O And I'm kinda not a suspense fan so it was new for me. But if it was about romance mixed together, count me in. With my hopeless romantic thoughts I got too hooked to Twilight.

Oh and I got the trailer! Teaser trailer though. My friends & I kept on saying the lines in the teaser trailer XD it's in the book kasi eh.

"How old are you?"
"How long have you been seventeen?"
"... A while."

Oh and love the tagline:

"I'm not scared of you."
"You really shouldn't have said that."

:O :O I'm getting more & more insane by the minute.

Go to YouTube and type Twilight trailer and click the one with 00:59 time. Watch it!! :D


All I'm waiting for now? Book 3! And OMFG the recital's tomorrow. Like I can play well. I suck at Hear You Me.

And August! Twilight book will hopefully be in my hands! I could wait for that, I still have to wait a freakin' half year to watch that book eventually come to life in january.

Later! :)

If you want more stuff about Twilight visit www.stepheniemeyer.com and click twilight.

Or visit

novel: www.twilightnovel.com
movie: www.twilightthemovie.com

♥ Twilight :)

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