
Lines, Vines & Trying Times

that phrase is so cool. iloveit.

Anyways, I'm up this early to check the sections. Which are taking sooo long to load, but I can imagine. Imagine about 2000+ or more students wanting to view it...ugh they should've just gave us class permits and all is well. Except, one benefit of this would be seeing who your classmates are. *scream!* I hope to be classmates with good people. Yun lang. Not people who would haunt me (I didn't have that last year, thank goodness, but i didn't really like our class last year) again & again. I'm already sick of it :>

One more thing. IDK why I didn't like the Jonas Brothers' Third Album "A Little Bit Longer"... I just disliked it (hey, my opinion! don't kill me or what!) hopefully their fourth album (which I might buy) would sound much better and more like their second album (Jonas Brothers) which I really liked and got super addicted to.
[cover of their fourth album.]
[i like it.]
[except why does Joe have curly hair too? :<]
[it saddens me :( i liked it straight!! ]

I'm downloading "Fly With Me" which was the credits song (what? weird term) of Night at the Museum 2 (which I repeat, I didn't like). :>

Speaking of curls I was really bored yesterday after we went to Shang (wherein I saw two batchmates) so I was experimenting my hair and doing a "messy-bun-artist-look" hmmm it looks quite good. Then I got the curlingiron/straightiron (2-in-1) and curled my hair. It took a long time 'cause I had to style it pa and stuff but it looks really cool hahaha. I am soooo not gonna post the pic here :)) It's for private viewing (by myself) only :))

Anyways I gotta run.

Today I:
  • have absolutely no plans of studying. will try to squeeze though. i will do studying tomorrow. i swear to lock myself in my little room, turn on the aircon, and the iPod, clear all the stuff in my desk, and put all my studying materials and study until i finish (thats what I did during the chem PT. hahaha)
  • will probably go to the gym and burn all the yummy beef pepper rice I ate yesterday at Pepper Lunch (again.)
  • is going to torture myself at the derma. it's my fault I kept sleeping at 1am.
  • NEED to know my section. NEED.
  • of course, am going to read Rosie Dunne.
  • and lastly, make my day productive.

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