
first day of selfreview = horror.

3 words.


I suck at English my goodness. No, it's because I made it under time pressure. Anyways, I did test myself on the ff. areas:
Analogy (One Word Approach)
Spelling (quite confusing although I am pretty good at it since birth)
Correct usage of words (practical much)
Identifying Errors (gah, this sucks!)

Well I hope I can keep up. This is just English! There's still the dreaded Mathematics which has Trigonometry & Statistics (which I LOATHE) and the complicated Science which has DIFFICULTY written all over it.

But I did borrow an antique ALGEBRA I book from my lola's house for some help in Math. Hmm I'll probably follow Kristin and read the damned thing hahaha :)) Wala lang, it might be more effective that drowning myself in my old HS notes although my notes are pretty neat :)

Except Gen Sci notes gah. I didn't learn anything valuable there AT ALL.
As in ZEROOOO. :<

Too awkward for an honor student to write something like this :)
I'm so different from what people think.

One more thing, I'm not quite familiar w/ general information on things, I do know some, more in the field of health & fitness (you couldn't imagine how much times I have surfed online about dieting, metabolism, BMI, foods that have certain vitamins & minerals that keep us healthy - fiber, carbs, fat, monounsaturated fats, polysaturated, CALORIES, kiloujoules...yeah keep it coming! and all the random stuff in that area.) and cooking of course and some commonly known facts since I really love reading almanacs, encyclopedias (ahem, unless they are boring, I like colorful ones :D) and the like.

I need help :( It's making me LAZY you know.
I don't want to fail Ateneo :(

PS IDK why Multiply Customized Themes has not yet published my theme WTH?!


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