
kept within

Until now I've always wondered when would I possibly tell people things...they [probably] ought to know or, I want them to know. Of course it would be really hard; although, the idea of a possible "no more time left" thought always came to my mind. What if everything was gone? And they still never knew? Not that it would play an effect on them, sometimes I just want to say it to that person, but something's holding me back. Besides, if I did tell "him", then the friendship we once had will most definitely be ruined.

Oh well. For now I'll just keep it in my head. Someday he will know. Maybe when I'm ready enough. LOL.


So much for a "serious" matter, I still talk to that person, at least, and everything's going fine. [Right.]

P.S. He is not "past". He actually filled my hole during my darkest hours. [Like what Jacob did to Bella. Hah!]


I have a new art! Woohoo! :) I missed drawing. When I compared this to all my others it definitely stood out. One of my faves right now. :)

Chasing Rainbows

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