
Total "Eclipse".

I have just received an e-mail today from frikin National Bookstore saying, " I'm sorry Eclipse is out of stock. Your order has been cancelled." This is what I get for ordering at National Bookstore.


Sorry for the harshness. Thank goodness I borrowed Steffi's book so I could entertain myself over the last week of summer. So now I don't feel so bad. Halfway through Eclipse already. It's getting more intriguing, especially when Rosalie & jasper talk about their history as humans. And Bella's graduation. The time is almost near for her to transform BUT there's this new headline creeping the heck out of the vampires AND werewolves. Jacob ♥ Bella? Hope it's not an imprint.

So I've spoiled too much. You'll get to it once you read it.

Stephenie Meyer is a genius, seriously. Her mind is extraordinary.

Let's just hope there's a hardcover of Eclipse in Fully Booked, Gateway. If not, then I suppose I'll just buy the paperback? Gad it'd disappoint me alot. Hardcover is like, so awesome you can leave the book anywhere and rest assure its not that ruined unlike paperback ones. Urgh!

No, I'll wait for a hardcover one. It depends.


I can't believe I just saw E-Books of Stephenie Meyer's novels. Isn't that against copyright law or something? It's not fair! The others just read it online! :(
But the feeling of reading it from a book is way different anyhow.

See ya. Gonna read Twilight Ebooks....after I read Eclipse.

You don't know how much I want to read twilight over and over again. Hahaha.

Edward is so...romantic :O [in Eclipse]

"Look after my heart - I've left it with you."
♥ ♥ ♥!!!

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