
plus three :)

I can't imagine having classes [if ever] today. It's like, I don't feel the school spirit at all.

Thank goodness it was moved to Friday. Gives me more time to do some more art - at least. Somehow I've gotten over my "Twilight addiction" 'cause I'm done reading it, but of course I will be a fan forever. Just that I got more stuff to deal with, not just romancing about the book and stuff. I'm still waiting for Breaking Dawn & my hardcover Twilight! :)

I have an art trade with Ghia, and its due tomorrow :O I haven't started! She requested me to draw violet flowers; which, I have no idea what to do. I'm not "nature-inspired". I'm more on "imagination inspired" artwork drawings. So its definitely going to play up my senses. I wanted to do something out of the box, so guess what, I'm painting later for that silly art trade XD

On the other hand, I asked Ghia to draw a really goodlooking vampire with a girl. Obviously from Twilight. She could draw well esp. in anime so I asked her to do that. I can't possibly draw a over the top good looking guy. I practiced some doodles of Bella, Edward & Alice and I only succeeded with Bella. It kind of looked like Kristen Stewart hahaha. But that was supposed to be Rosalie! X) lol lol.

Speaking of "nature", talk about me going to the zoo yesterday. Unexpectedly it was...fun. Maybe? I don't know. I was forced to! I could've styed home and did the art trade so I could bake brownies today :( Aww. So I have to push things through. No brownies :( Anyways, I almost sank knowing that 1 tbsp of butter = 102 cal. :O

Tomorrow is last minute fun! Going to watch The Chronicles of Narnia : Prince Caspian woohoo! Jean kasi eh! She watched with her "someone" so I'm going with my siblings to Shang tomorrow to watch. Hopefully some shopping. Yay :]

On Thursday we're going to my lola's house and going home early.

On Friday? SCHOOL.

Why does this freedom have to end???

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