
The pressure.

Whenever I hear the word "pressure", I remember the song of Paramore with the same title.
Haha, just a random thought.

But seriously, this Senior life is getting a tad more complex than what I really thought. This week I've tried balancing time and making things work, but eventually not. Oh, did I mention we had SEVEN (7) quizzes today? There wasn't one class that didn't have a quiz, or GE. Well, except PE, but that doesn't really count. We did have some fun running in sacks and losing the contests :>

Anyhow, I can't seem to get an idea on how to shape my life and make it better. My scores from exams are kinda off-track, I'm NOT in my comfort zone, although I long to be! I got a 78/100 for Economics (watda?) 86 for TLE (I studied! why?) and a really low 89 for Li Shr (This I am in big question.) I know I'm so "what-the-that's-not-even-failing" but seriously, I'm very pressured when it comes to school so yeah. It's really hard so I'll try my best to study hard at the PTs and the upcoming tests.

Grrr...one more dilemma I have is STILL my confidence level. It's a fact that I really feel like such a dumb person and living a boring life, which is kinda weird because, if my life IS boring, then why do I keep writing? Haha. Ironic. Speaking of writing, I haven't updated in days! Am probably gonna update later. Oh, I need to list down some T2DO. T2DO is really helping me get motivated. And actually I've handled time much better this week than last, but I hope I keep up with my adjustment. So that at least I can make a better person out of myself! My goodness.

And I haven't been having enough leisure time. I can't squeeze it in my schedule! :( I will later. I promise? Hopefully.

Ha. I keep saying "hopefully", as if I'm really that hopeful. Ah, let's hope :)

And I got a really bad cold now, so...yeah. Life probably is not what I'm well-lived in, I still need a little more getting-used-to.

And I MISS ART :( I really do. Really.

  • Tonight: Study lishr, Update journal, Draw. For real I guess (:
  • Tomorrow: Attend YMCA Contest in the A.M., Eat @ a Chi resto for lunch yay:), Study Lishr in the PM, do TLE Business Plan, English Formal Theme, EP assign.
  • Monday: Wake up early, do some more studying, have my hair cut (my bangs are too short, my hair needs to catch up with the shortness xD), have Kozui?! :D STudy.
If you've noticed. ALL days mean STUDYING.
I really need to improve if I want to have consistent honors this year.
Or prove myself worthy of being myself for a change, 'cause I'll need it.

I nominated myself for the Candy Teen Blog Awards. haha :) Hope you guys vote if you like my blog :) Your choice!

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